Welcome/My Story

            2020 has been a year that has taught me to take nothing for granted, because life can and will pull the rug up from under your feet in a flash. This year has taught me to pay attention, and to truly listen when people in power say things. I have a lot of feelings and ideas, especially feelings and ideas that I don't feel comfortable sharing with my very politically spoken-for family members. So, I decided to make this blog. I'm obviously using a pen name, Dale Rogers, so that if they were to find this blog, it wouldn't further complicate Christmas dinner. However, aside from the name, everything else on the blog is totally genuine and true to me, so let's get started.

           My name is Dale Rogers, and I'm a fourteen year old from Oklahoma, a red majority state. However, I live in a majority blue county. I come from a family of farmers and I'm active in my schools offered service organizations (FFA and 4-H). I've held an office in my 4-H chapter (secretary and reporter) and I served as class president last year. Woo. 

           I only started growing an interest in politics after the 2016 election (I was 10). I heard all these things about both candidates and grew increasingly confused-- one of them has to be the good guy (or gal), right? If not, then who do we vote for? What happens when no one on the ballot is really worth it? What do we do when we don't have anyone suited for the role of president? 

           In my experience, we hold our nose and try to pick the best candidate. I feel like we ran into that again this year. Both candidates left things to be desired. Trump has the entire neo-Nazi movement at his beck and call, and are we even sure Biden will make it through his first year, if elected? I don't think we are.

           I have questions for the parties, too. Why did the democratic party, which I thought championed diversity, nominate an old, rich, white dude? What has the republican party, the ones who champion the working class, done for my small town, chock full of hard-working people? If I'm wrong, tell me. I'd hate to spread fake news, but what are they really doing for us, America?

           I would love to explore the world of politics with you all, so please join me on this adventure. My beliefs are absolutely not set in stone, and there will be total fluidity on this blog. I want to get down to the meat and potatoes of the government and what they do with you all, from D.C. to my small Oklahoma town. 

Peace and Love, and please stay safe!

Dale Rogers


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