Biden/Harris, 2020

            Well folks, if you were holding your breath, you can exhale. America has chosen it's next president/vice president duo, in the form of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. If any of you happened to be keeping track on the candidates personal web pages, you'll see that the president-elect has left a message to his supporters. It reads:

           My Fellow Americans,

           I am honored and humbled by the trust the American people have placed in me and Vice President-elect Harris. In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans voted. Proving once again that democracy beats deep in the heart of America. With the campaign over, it's time to put the anger and harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation. It's time for America to unite. And to heal. We are the United States of America. And there's nothing we can't do, if we do it together.

           Joe Biden, November 7, 2020

         A rousing note from the president-elect, is it not? I for one am quite happy to see the changing of hands, if merely to lower the hatefulness from my classmates and peers to a dull roar. I understand that just because we are set to have a new president, the attitude of the country won't change over night, it probably won't even change on January 20, 2021. It will take time, a lot of time, to heal and to figure out the way to go forward with a new administration at our back. 

           President-elect Biden won the race with a vote count of 74,872,687 (and that's without the final vote counts from Georgia, Alaska, and North Carolina). President Trump had only 70,602,144 votes, minus again the three states mentioned above. As many of you probably already know by now, while the vast majority was counting on Nevada to swoop in and save the day, the true blue state catalyst was none other than Pennsylvania. Good on you, Keystone State! 

           I personally am quite intrigued to see where this presidential duo lands us in the next four years. I know this post was short, and unless something big happens (election wise) from now until January 20, this will be my last post that is centrally related to the 2020 election. So, stay safe, everyone! We all know how election aftermath can be, especially in bigger cities. 

Long live democracy. 

- Dale Rogers

(p.s. - Honestly, if anyone deserves the hype this election, it's MSNBC news anchor Steve Kornacki! Get some rest, sir. You deserve it.)


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